Uses sound waves to produce pictures of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and joints throughout the body. It is used to help diagnose sprains, strains, tears, trapped nerves, arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions.
We would like to partner with you to create a model that results in better outcomes, higher customer satisfaction, and increased revenue with little effort or time.
MD writes an Order for Diagnostic Testing: >5 tests per day.
Sterling Diagnostic Testing Services provides equipment, testing, reading, and billing for MD.
MD signs off on notes and receives payment for services directly from Insurance company.
Based on average of five orders of MUKSUS testing per day
Based on average of 25 orders of MUSKUS testing per week: reimbursement of $220 per test
Based on average of 100 orders of MUSKUS testing per month: reimbursement of $220 per test
Based on average of 1200 orders of MUSKUS testing per year: reimbursement of $220 per test
Today Is The Day To Improve Your Treatment Outcomes And Significantly Increase Your Bottom Line… Let’s Do It Together